A meditation space is an area of your home to practice mindfulness. It serves as a sanctuary and is an inspiring reminder that meditation is now part of your daily life. Having a special spot to meditate truly inspired me to make meditation a daily habit, and it was very important during the first weeks.
Creating a space that is purposefully peaceful, cozy and relaxing can make your meditative practice even more enjoyable (and frequent). Nothing fancy, just a designated space to practice stillness and mindfulness.
In my opinion, a meditation space should be welcoming and inviting to you and a reflection of yourself so go ahead and include some of your own personal touches. It can be any element, smell, sound, or object that particularly soothes your body and relaxes your mind. Think of items, such as family pictures, souvenirs from special occasions, chimes, crystals, religious figures, affirmation stones, and artwork.
You do not need “things” to meditate. All you need to meditate is yourself. But if you think that having your little peaceful corner can help you focus and practice meditation, here are some items that you may want to consider including.