how to create a meditation space in your garden
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How to Create an Outdoor Meditation Space

An outdoor meditation space is an area to practice mindfulness and be in touch with nature and its elements. It should serve as a sanctuary and an inspiring reminder that meditation is now part of your daily lifeCreating a space that is purposefully peaceful, cozy and relaxing can make your meditative practice even more enjoyable (and frequent).

Even though I have a meditation space inside my house, I also have a special spot outside. Both are very important to make meditation a daily habit. Besides meditation, this is also my favorite space to practice yoga: the fresh air helps me breathe and I feel much stronger as I connect with the sun and the trees.

Your outdoor meditation space can be a section of your garden, under a tree for example, or a corner on your porch. It doesn’t have to be big, but it has to be special. The key is to find your favorite space and then add some items to create a welcoming and inviting space. And remember: it should be a reflection of yourself, so go ahead and include some of your own personal touches.

I invite you to scroll down and read my tips and ideas to help you create a backyard meditation space.

Create a sense of enclousure

how to create a meditation space in your garden
Since you want to take away external distractions, select a space that has a sense of enclosure and privacy. Whether it’s a wall, fence, or a hedge of plants, creating a sense of privacy is important to be mindful without worrying about being observed or interrupted. Also, this space should have a defined entrance or signal like a gate, arbor, statuary, or even a small sign or plaque with a poem written on it. If you do not have a garden but you are creating your sacred space in a balcony or porch, consider using a room divider to set your space apart from the rest, like this wooden handmade biombo from Cotton Craft Store

Suncatchers take the positive energy of the sun and energise the area by spreading that light around in the form of rainbows and flecks of light. 

When sunlight passes through a prism, it breaks down into 7 colours that are found in the rainbow. Add a suncatcher to your meditation space and it will be one of the most beautiful elements to look at. Its beautiful energy in your space it will contribute to creating a zen meditation space. (Buy a Sun Catcher on Amazon)

A Meditation Cushion

how to create a meditation space in your garden

You can include a meditation cushion that will help you with your posture, ensuring proper alignment of your spine for a longer period of time. Comfortable seating to help you achieve mental clarity and concentration.

When it comes to style, you can find all kinds of cushions nowadays. If your meditation space has a bohemian style, you could go for this Large Meditation cushion for example. You can also take a look at the amazing collection of cushions (zafu), mats (zabuton) and benches from Dharma Crafts, experts in meditation supplies.

Personally, I have bought this simple meditation set by BeanProducts, as it offers perfect support for my spine allowing a comfortable position, which is essential for meditation. The zafu is filled with buckwheat and the whole set is made in USA with sustainable fabrics.

A Water Bowl or Fountain

how to create a meditation space in your garden
One key feature in your meditation garden is water. Water can enhance the power of meditation — resonating a mantra’s sound, calming the mind, and inspiring a feeling of non attachment and weightlessness. A bowl of water is enough to enhance that power and it’s also a gorgeous adition to your garden as it reflects the trees and sky. (If you just love the idea on the image above and you’re looking for a similar bowl take a look at this round bowl planter on Amazon, made of recycled and UV resistant materials). Some find gently running water or a bubbling fountain more peaceful. The sound of running water soothes and if you live in an urban area, it will also dilute the sounds of traffic and noise pollution. If you’re looking for gorgeous fountains take a look at jeco garden fountains on Amazon.
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A Yoga Platform

how to create a meditation space in your garden
A wood yoga platform allows you to set your space apart from the rest and it’s also the best to practice yoga. A platform also helps you avoid moisture or soft surfaces so you don’t get dirty or wet. A platform is a simple and sustainable idea to have a clean space for your daily practice. You can try to make your own platform using wood pallets or watch this video on youtube with a similar platform.

Garden Statues

how to create a meditation space in your garden

Bring serenity to your garden with weather-friendly outdoor statues. If you are looking for a reminder of enlightenment, of mindfulness and compassion, go for Buddhist decor.  Buddha statues purify the mind, build up the serenity within oneself and motivates to overcome negative emotions, uplifting the mind and focusing the attention on the reality of the materialistic world. Besides, when you buy a Buddha statue, you get a permanent reminder to meditate and to follow dharma.


Increase the peaceful mood of your meditation space by surrounding it with more plants. The plants act as a partition, signifying the space is special and unique to reaching a state of mindfulness. The plants also enhance your meditation experience.

Place potted plants nearby to give off a fresh fragrance and when your eyes are closed, you’ll have that aroma to breathe in. To create more beauty, find flowers that bloom in pleasant colors or plants that possess unique textures. An affordable option is to incorporate succulents into the space. They come in a variety of shapes and only need a little water every now and then to stay healthy.

Garden Canopy

how to create a meditation space in your garden

Since you are using your garden meditation space mostly during spring and summer, consider adding a canopy or a tent to get some shade. You can try making your own boho canopy with some sheets and ropes (Youtube video) or you can just get a resistant one on Amazon for example, like this one from love story.

, that offers 95% UV protection.

Wind Chimes

how to create a meditation space in your garden

Wind chimes are thought to be good luck in parts of Asia and are used in Feng Shui. Whether you enjoy meditating or yoga, a wind chime provides a peaceful backdrop to aid in relaxation and spiritual journey. There is a sense of interaction with the outside world that occurs when wind chimes blow. The sound of the wind tinkling the chimes reminds us of the natural world.

Bells and chimes play a significant role in Buddhism and Feng Shui. In Buddhism, bells play a role in honouring the Three Treasures: the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

There are lots of types of chimes but I personally love the bamboo chimes as the sound reminds me of the natural sounds of the forest. If you’re looking for one, I recommend Nalulu wind chimes as they are natural, sustainable and eco-friendly.

Candles & Lanterns

how to create a meditation space in your garden
Lanterns and candles “are a universal symbol of brightness, transcendence and guiding light. In various cultures, they are viewed as symbols of love, wisdom and illumination. Lanterns symbolize the inner light that guides the soul through periods of darkness with the promise of a new day. They remind us of our ability to find our way in the world and speak to our innate inner strength.” (original article). Consider adding some lamps to your backyard meditation space to get that inspiring light in your meditation space. I personally those large Arabic lamps, because of its intricate arabesque patterns – check this trio on Amazon.

Get Inspirired

Once you have decided where is your special space and set up everything you need, it’s time to meditate. If you have difficulties concentrating or you are still new, take your phone and listen to your favourite yoga or meditation instructor. I truly recommend Juliana from Boho Beautiful. I love her approach to life, the calm and simple guided meditations and of course, I love her workouts.

Remember, you don’t have to go out and buy all of those things. What is important is a clean and clear environment to keep your mind open. Just choose whichever resonates the most with you and start from there.

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If you want to create a meditation space indoors, take a look at my article How To Create The Perfect Meditation Space In Your Home.

I hope you got inspired by this post and please keep in mind to always look for fair trade and eco-friendly brands. All that we spend, should be spend wisely! Please keep in mind that some links on this post are affiliate links. As a participant in the affiliate programs, I earn a small percentage from qualifying purchases. I thank you in advance for any purchase you make through my links so you support my writing. Happy meditating!

If you liked the ideas above for your meditation space, I invite you to follow me on any platform you are more active on: Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram.

Let me know if you have any questions, in the comments below.

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how to create a meditation space in your garden

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